Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sometimes projects don't turn out the way I designed in my head.  I started crocheting another alien but the body simply didn't look right for an alien---it looked more like a robot in cartoons.  It doesn't take a negotiator to change my mind.  Soon, the body belonged to a robot with a big antenna on its head.

He's not wearing a scarf because he's cold.  When I finished assembling, he looked, well, very plain.

Buttons and felt didn't seem right for him.  I almost put some colorful polymer clay beads on his chest, then I changed my mind (again) when I found a yarn I bought long time ago but I didn't know how to use a yarn with exploding colors.  Actually, this yarn has 4 or 5 different textures to it, and the only part I didn't know what to do with was the polar fleece portion of the yarn.  I cut fleece parts and tied them together to knit his scarf with.  All the knots are on the back side of the scarf.

A simple but colorful scarf adds warm appearance to my baby-blue guy.

There's a pit bull (and a cat) who adopts chicks, a robot and sheep can be friends, too.

Click "Read more" for the pattern.

 A worsted weight yarn and 4mm hook were used for this project.  The eyes and mouth are nothing but rectangular strips of black felt stitched with thread and needle.  I wanted to use buttons but I didn't have right sized buttons and was too lazy to go buy them.

R1: A magic ring with 6sc (6)
R2: Increase every sc (12)
R3: Increase every sc (24)
R4: *Sc 3, increase in next sc, *repeat 5 times(30)
R5: *Sc 4, increase in next sc, *repeat 5 times(36)
R6: *Sc 5, increase in next sc, *repeat 5 times(42)
R7: *Sc 6, increase in next sc, *repeat 5 times(48) 
R8: *Sc 7, increase in next sc, *repeat 5 times(54)
R9-28: Sc around (54)
R29: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc7, *repeat 5 times(48)
R30: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc6, *repeat 5 times(42)
R31: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc5, *repeat 5 times(36)
R32: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc4, *repeat 5 times(30)
R33: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc3, *repeat 5 times(24)

Cut off the yarn leaving a 2-inch end.  Fasten off.  Tuck the end inside.

R1: A magic ring with 5sc (5)
R2: Increase every sc (10)
R3: *Sc 1, increase in next sc, *repeat 4 times(15)
R4-5: Sc around (15)
R6: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc1, *repeat 4 times(10)
R7: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc3, *repeat (8)
Stuff the 'ball'.
R8-12: Sc around (8)
R13: Increase every sc (16)
Stuff the 'stem'.
R14: *Increase next 3 sc, sc1, *repeat 3 times (28)
R15: *Inc 1sc, sc1, inc 1sc, sc1, inc 1sc, sc2, *repeat 3 times (40)
R16: *Increase 1sc, sc4, *repeat 7 times (48)
R17-24: Sc around (48)
R25: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc2, *repeat 11 times (36)
R26: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc1, *repeat 11 times (24)
R27: Sc around (24)
Leave enough yarn to sew with and cut off the rest.  Fasten off.


Leg (make 2):

R1: A magic ring with 5sc (5)
R2: Increase every sc (10)
R3: Increase every sc (20)
R4-5: Sc around (20)
Stuff the 'foot'.
R6: *Decrease 2 sc together, sc1, *repeat 3 times (12)
R7-20: Sc around (12)

Leave enough yarn to sew with and cut off the rest.  Fasten off.


Arm (make 2):

R1: A magic ring with 5sc (5)
R2-4: Sc around (5)
R5: Increase every sc (10)
R6:-21: Sc around (10)

Leave enough yarn to sew with and cut off the rest.  Fasten off.
Stuff very lightly(optional).

Finger (make 4):

R1: A magic ring with 5sc (5)
R2-3: Sc around (5)
Leave enough yarn to sew with and cut off the rest.  Fasten off.

1. Using a knitting needle, sew 2 fingers on each arm between R4 and R5.
2. Create a face in any way you like---use felt, beads, buttons, polymer clay, yarn, the possibilities are endless.
3. Decorate the body if you like.
4. Using a knitting needle, attach the head to the body.
5. Attach arms and legs.  Positions of the limbs is up to you---there's no right way.
6. Hug the newborn robot and enjoy!

20 hugs a day is required for daily maintenance of this robot.

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