Friday, June 28, 2013

A Mystery Vegetable

It was the end of spring this year. My favorite vendor at a local farmers' market gave me an unfamiliar Asian vegetable she didn't remember the name of. She told me that she was experimenting growing new plants in her garden. The flowers and the leaves definitely look like it belongs to Brassicaceae but I had never seen this plant before. An hour of Internet search didn't really give me an answer.

It was already lunchtime so I took out my wok and stir fried this veggie, aburaage, and udon noodles. I flavored it with soy sauce, shichimi,  and sesame oil.

The flavor of this vegetable was pretty mild. I would use it as a substitution for mustard green or komatuna. The leaves were a little glossy like kai-lan but the stems were tender like that of komatuna.

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