Friday, September 10, 2010


I started crocheting in March 2010, shortly after I moved to Arizona.

While I was looking for a cute pattern for amigurumi, a Japanese word for "crocheted animal," I found a website featuring adorable cat amigurumi and patterns. 

It didn't take me long to fall in love with those goofy looking Aminekos(crocheted cats).

I'm working on my 4th one right now.  I must warn everyone how highly addictive making Amineko is!

This is Masamune, my very first Amineko, playing with crocheted mice.

I made my own pattern for these mice.  If anyone is interested in, here's the pattern.

My second Amineko Genzo gives Masamune back rubs.

Sora-A-mon came next.  He spends most of his day doing what cats do the best: taking cat naps

My sister sent me this organic cotton bath towel for my birthday.  Sora-A-mon would not let it go.

Ahhhhh~! Soft cotton!

Guys...can I have my towel back?

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