Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Handmade Gifts With Lampwork Beads

It was time to make the first batch of glass beads after moving to Arizona since my preteen niece asked for a necklace with lampwork beads for Christmas.  I knew she would ask for something pink so I told her I can make it with OTHER colors she likes.  What can I say, I hate pink.  I don't like working with anything pink---especially soft-toned pastel pink.  There are only a handful of things in this world I don't mind looking at: my cat's pink nose, his pink pads, and Pink Panther cartoons.  At the end, my niece suggested green and blue, the colors I actually adore.  I know I'm such a difficult aunt, but, hey, how many aunts give handmade lampwork jewelry to their nieces?

I'm planning to turn this gift into a game.  I made 4 necklaces which I will place in 4 separate gift bags.  My niece would have to pick a bag without looking at them first.

I'm not sure if I would do that to her.  I could simply let her pick the one she likes.

This bead is made with a bead I made 5,6 years ago but it split in half probably due to rapid or uneven cooling.  I joined halves together with baby blue glass.  It didn't crack this time!

The last set of beads were inspired by Mexican glassware.

I'm not perfect, so my beads are not perfect.   My beads are not recommended to those who have to have perfectly shaped beads.  I might get better at forming more uniform beads if I made them more frequently, however, I'd rather spend my time spinning right now.  These beads are for my personal use and I'm actually happy with their rustic looks.

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