Monday, January 24, 2011

Handspun Yarn Scarf

The brown-peach 2-ply yarn I spun in December now has a new life.  I knitted a skinny scarf with the yarn and crocheted the ends with brighter peach single-ply yarn.  It's a very simple scarf--- cast on16 and repeat k1 p1 until the scarf is long enough.  I had just enough yarn to make this scarf!

As soon as I finished my scarf, however, daytime temperatures here rose to 65-78F and it's been too warn to wear it.  Of course, I'm not complaining.  Stories about massive snow storms and deep freeze many northeastern and midwestern states are experiencing this winter sound like news from other parts of the world.  I remember how much I hated falling on my butt when I was walking to elementary school in winter.  No more icy roads for me! 

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