Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monster Cucumber

If I have to pick what I like the most about living in Arizona, farmers markets might be it.  I buy most of vegetables at farmers market on Saturday or Sunday and hope those veggies will last for a week.  It is delightful to be able to enjoy the veggies and fruits in season!

One of the things I found at farmers market and quickly addicted to it was Armenian cucumber.  It doesn't get soggy in vinegar-based salad.  It can hold crunchiness better than English cucumber does.  I used Armenian cucumber in my Arugula salad with blueberry dressing recipe.  The only complaint I have is its massive size!  Since cucumber is one of many vegetables my husband does not have a taste for, I end up eating every bit of this enormous cucumber.

Here's a picture of Armenian cucumber I picked up last weekend.

This is not the largest I've seen this summer.  When my husband saw an Armenian cucumber for the first time (by the way, it was taking up whole shelf in the fridge), he had no idea what it was.  It actually looks a lot like a sea cucumber than a plant cucumber.

I've been buying these cucumbers and other tasty veggies from Larry and Eunice Park all summer long.  Their pesticide/herbicide-free vegetables keep me alive!

The only thing I'm growing right now is Italian sweet basil, only because it is easy to grow inside by kitchen window.  I'm planning to make a small planting area like I used to have in Texas.  It was nice having veggies and herbs such as arugula, radish, chives, mint and Thai basil whenever I wanted to use.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Favorite Soap

Ever since I met bar soaps made by South Austin People (SoAP), I've been addicted to their naturally scented soaps.  My faves are lavender, Texas pecan eucalyptus, lemon verbena and lemongrass ginger.  They used to make a great green tea body cream, but I don't see that product on their website.

A fear of not being able to find decent soap drove me to stock up on their soap before moving to Arizona.  As soon as I hit some farmers markets and local fairs, I realized that I worried for nothing.  There are lots of soap makers in Arizona!  Although I still love SoAP's bar soaps, I'm all about buying locally.  I already purchased some local handmade soaps and am waiting to try them when my SoAP soaps are all gone.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sora's Witch Hat & Broom

It's time to decorate for Halloween! 

I crocheted a witch hat and a broom for Sora-A-mon.

The only problem Sora's having with this hat is its weight.  Combined with the large head of his, it's hard to balance the weight and sit him down.

Click "Read more" for the patterns.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Flax Seed Pita Bread

The reason I love pita bread is its versatility.  You can hold it in half to make a sandwich, stuff with tuna inside the pocket, make a panini, or cut into wedges for dipping.  Leftover pitas make great pita chips. 

The only special tool you will need to make pitas at home is a baking stone.  There are round and rectangular baking stones.  I prefer the rectangular stone for its larger surface area.

Flax Seed Pita Bread
Click "read more" for the recipe.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

All I Want for Dinner is Hummus

One of my favorite dips is hummus.  There are some good spicy hummus in stores, however, I enjoy making my own jalapeno hummus. 

Roasted Garlic and JalapeƱo Hummus (Vegan)

Click "Read more" to see the recipe.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


My mother asked me to make an amineko that looks like her gray tabby cat.  I suggested to crochet striped pattern using two shades of gray.  That's how Nene was born.

My first impression of her was that she looks like a sock.

Sora-A-mon came over to meet his younger sister.

She was sent to Japan on the same day she was born along with two mice.  My mother gave me a call to tell me that she made it safe.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Frog Amigurumi

Five Aminekos later, I was ready to crochet something else.  I modified the Amineko pattern to make a crocheted frog.  It gave me an excuse to use my green yarn stash.

Here's how I made him head to toe. 

Lentarow(Len) The Frog Amigurumi

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lampwork Animals!

Last February, 2 days before moving to Arizona, I found a bottle of MAPP gas and I didn't want it to go waste.  My bead-making kit was already boxed up, however, I had nothing else to do in an empty house all alone.  Even my PCs were packed! 

After making some ordinary beads, I decided to be a little more playful.

I've seen animal-shaped beads in magazines and shops but I have never tried making one myself.

This is my first bear bead.  I emphasize FIRST---I know he's not the prettiest bear.  I still think he's cute in the same sense that French bulldogs and pugs appeal to us.

The only problem I have with this bead is that I have no idea how I can incorporate this bead in my jewelry.

How would you wear a bear?

I guess I have the same issue with the second bead I made as well.

Frog bead! 

Although (personally) animal beads are not easy to use, these were fun to make and are cute to look at. 
I think I'll be making some more animal beads when I start making beads this fall as soon as temperature drops.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I originally made these mice for my cats.  If you also have nip-heads and plan to make mice for them, put some catnip inside.  You can also stuff them with regular filler.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Arugula Salad with Blueberry Dressing

Every time I buy blueberries, I find handful of pale and tart berries in a package.  I freeze them until I have about a cup or more of them.  Then, I add 1/3-1/2cup sugar and enough water to cover berries and simmer over medium-low heat until most of water has been evaporated(about30-45minutes).  Skim off any foam on surface during cooking.

This blueberry jam is not as sweet as store bought jams.  This jam has just enough sweetness for my taste buds since I don't like excess sugar in anything. 

This jam tastes great with plain low-fat yogurt.  It gave lots of flavor without too much sugar---most manufactures' blueberry yogurt contains awaaaay too much added sugar!

I decided to try making blueberry dressing when I ran out of homemade raspberry dressing.  There are many berry-based dressing in stores, however, most of them are(again) too sweet for my taste.   If there's someone else who wants berry-based salad dressing that's not overloaded with sugar, I recommend making homemade dressing.  It's easy!

Arugula Salad with Blueberry Dressing

Click "Read more" for the recipe.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I started crocheting in March 2010, shortly after I moved to Arizona.

While I was looking for a cute pattern for amigurumi, a Japanese word for "crocheted animal," I found a website featuring adorable cat amigurumi and patterns. 

It didn't take me long to fall in love with those goofy looking Aminekos(crocheted cats).

I'm working on my 4th one right now.  I must warn everyone how highly addictive making Amineko is!

This is Masamune, my very first Amineko, playing with crocheted mice.

I made my own pattern for these mice.  If anyone is interested in, here's the pattern.

My second Amineko Genzo gives Masamune back rubs.